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Flex Multidimensional Nutrition and Natural Spawning Trigger “V-iagra”

点击数:1181  发布时间:2013/12/2 14:10:55
Flex Multidimensional Nutrition and Natural Spawning Trigger “V-iagra”
Calcium is the important element for Arowana's bone, as far as possible to avoid the phenomenon such as spinal bending caused by calcium deficiency, as Arowana's growth and shaping bone. Magnesium is the indispensable trace elements for fish. It can start hundreds of enzyme system in Arowana, promotes various energy metabolism, let its appearance more gorgeous. The added elements such as zinc, iron, manganese, etc, which can enhance Arowana's immunity, defense bacteria and virus invades, promote wound healing, which plays an important role for Arowana's blood supplementary. A variety of vitamins ensure the normal function of Arowana's nutriment supply, which makes Arowana’s vitality exuberant. Flex Multidimensional Nutrition and Natural Spawning Trigger "V-iagra": • Comprehensive supplement for nutrients of Arowana growth, such as calcium, magnesium and zinc, etc. • Provide vitamin group to enhance Arowana health and vigor. • Enhance Arowana immunity fully, prevent disease. • Stimulates spawning behavior in Arowana. • Helps increase fry survival rates.

Step 1: Preparation. First, make sure your breeding tank is set up appropriately for the kind of fish you want to breed and has been established and stable for at least a month. Then you need to establish a “Dry Season” environment, which has increased temperatures, and changes to the water chemistry, partly caused by the buildup of rotting vegetation in the water of natural wetlands. Before using "V-iagra" to do this, make sure the PH in the aquarium has already been stabilized at about 6.8, and the temperature kept stable at about 25°C. for at least a month, which is very close to optimum for Arowana. As much as possible, try to avoid using any kind of artificial chemical based product during this time. Flex GEO LIQUID is entirely composed of natural minerals, and goes a long way towards creating ideal water conditions by adding essential minerals, and removing most chemical residues that may be in the water. Flex GEO LIQUID and "V-iagra" work well together to create the best possible conditions for breeding, provided the aquarium has a good properly maintained biological filter system. Do not use Activated Carbon in your filter while using "V-iagra", as it may remove it from the water. Most fish, especially egg scatterers, need lots of driftwood, ornaments, and plenty of plants to lay their eggs, or to feel safe and sheltered for spawning.

 Step 2. Create a “Dry Season” environment. • Add "V-iagra" to the aquarium every two or three days to simulate a “Dry Season” environment. The water will turn a brown or coffee colour when "V-iagra" is added. This colour will darken each time more is added every couple of days. Do not worry about it. Keep adding until the fish become difficult to see without the lights. • Increase the temperature gradually at the same time as you start adding "V-iagra" to the water, but make sure the temperature never rises above 28°C. This will simulate “Dry Season” conditions if you follow these steps. When doing partial water changes, make sure to add enough "V-iagra" to keep the water the same brown or coffee colour as before. Maintain this “Dry Season” environment for at least one month.

Step 3: Creating a “Wet Season” environment. After maintaining “Dry Season” conditions for at least a month, you need to create a “Wet Season” now. • First of all, stop using "V-iagra". • Do regular partial water changes to simulate the flushing effect of heavy rain, and clarify the water. • Gradually start to reduce temperature from 28°C in “Dry Season” conditions to the standard 25°C in summer or 23°C in winter. Maintain “Wet Season” conditions for at least a month.

Step 4. Maintaining the “Wet” and “Dry” season cycles. Most Arowana sense the changes between “Wet” and “Dry” seasons. Depending on the species, they initiate breeding at different parts of the cycle. Some will spawn on the first cycle. Others need several cycles before they spawn. Some species require other specific triggers that are hard to duplicate in captivity. But for most species, successful spawning is largely dependent on establishing a “Wet” and “Dry” season cycle to begin with. Each “Wet” and “Dry” season should be maintained for at least a month. The time between simulated cycles can be anything from four to 12 months. The actual time span between each season change is not so important as the consistency of the cycle you create. Factors such as age and maturity of the fish, availability of suitable egg laying locations, Diet, Stress levels etc. also play a big part in regulating spawning behavior. Before attempting to breed any kind of fish, please find out about the best methods for that species. Some fish are livebearers, others are egg layers. Egg-layers can be divided into five groups: egg-scatterers, egg-depositors, egg-buriers, mouth-brooders, and nest-builders. Arowana belongs to mouth-brooders. All require different strategies for successful breeding. But you usually need a breeding tank separate from other species of fish, and you may need to separate the parents to stop them from eating their eggs and fry immediately after spawning. But some fish, (Especially mouth brooders, and egg depositors) often take care of their own eggs and young, and protect them. So you need to understand the particular requirements of the kind of fish you are attempting to breed. If fish in a normal mixed community tank do spawn, there is little hope that the fry will survive. They will most likely be eaten by the other fish. Changing Water Regular water changes are needed for almost all aquariums. Small frequent changes are generally better than large changes. 25 ~ 30% is OK. Never more than 50% at a time!! • Add "V-iagra" after changing water. It is OK to use "V-iagra" with other “Flex” brand products. • Except for Chlorine Neutralizer, chemical water treatments, conditioners, bacteria cultures, and activated carbon from other manufacturers may reduce or negate the effects of “V-iagra ". For the most hassle free aquarium maintenance, we recommend that Flex GEO LIQUID be used at all water changes, whether "V-iagra" is being used to create “Dry Season” conditions or not. It is best to use the kind of GEO LIQUID formulated for your specific kind of fish if available, but if not, then GEO LIQUID for AROWANA can be used in almost any aquarium.

Dosage The suggested dosage for "V-iagra" is 1 ml. / 3 Litres of Aquarium Water, or 30ml (1 capful) / 90 Litres. Double this dose will not harm the fish or the aquarium at all. Repeat this dose every 2 or 3 days at the start of a simulated “Dry” season, until the water is becomes quite brown in colour. "V-iagra" is perfect for fish keeping in aquaria. It contains a rich blend of natural plant based ingredients, which help stimulate spawning activity. About Tropical Rainforest wetlands. Most tropical rainforests have distinct rainy and dry seasons. In the wet season, vegetation flourishes, and streams run strong. But in the dry season, leaf-litter builds up, rots and disintegrates into humus, releasing large amounts of dark coloured, often black material into the forest floor and waterways. The Tannins, Humic Acid, and other chemicals and minerals leaching from this soil and decaying vegetable matter give streams and rivers a characteristic dark colour, especially in the dry Season. Different fish are adapted to spawn at different stages of this natural alternating “Wet” and “Dry” season cycle. "V-iagra" duplicates the “Dry” season conditions of darkly stained water, and low water flows which trigger many Arowana species to spawn. They actually require the dim dark conditions found in these tannin rich waters. For Arowana however, the reverse happens, and the change to “Wet” season conditions with clearer water, and higher flows is the condition which triggers spawning. If you can duplicate this natural cycle in your aquarium, you will maximize your chances of getting your fish to breed successfully. 

Dosage The suggested dosage for "V-iagra" is 1 ml. / 3 Litres of Aquarium Water, or 30ml (1 capful) / 90 Litres. Double this dose will not harm the fish or the aquarium at all. Repeat this dose every 2 or 3 days at the start of a simulated “Dry” season, until the water is becomes quite brown in colour. "V-iagra" is perfect for fish keeping in aquaria. It contains a rich blend of natural plant based ingredients, which help stimulate spawning activity. About Tropical Rainforest wetlands. Most tropical rainforests have distinct rainy and dry seasons. In the wet season, vegetation flourishes, and streams run strong. But in the dry season, leaf-litter builds up, rots and disintegrates into humus, releasing large amounts of dark coloured, often black material into the forest floor and waterways. The Tannins, Humic Acid, and other chemicals and minerals leaching from this soil and decaying vegetable matter give streams and rivers a characteristic dark colour, especially in the dry Season. Different fish are adapted to spawn at different stages of this natural alternating “Wet” and “Dry” season cycle. "V-iagra" duplicates the “Dry” season conditions of darkly stained water, and low water flows which trigger many Arowana species to spawn. They actually require the dim dark conditions found in these tannin rich waters. For Arowana however, the reverse happens, and the change to “Wet” season conditions with clearer water, and higher flows is the condition which triggers spawning. If you can duplicate this natural cycle in your aquarium, you will maximize your chances of getting your fish to breed successfully. 



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